Jeremy Camp on Israel, the Faroe Islands, and Why He Travels
Jeremy Camp is a beloved singer and songwriter in the world of contemporary Christian music. He is also a travel partner with Inspiration and despite a busy touring schedule in support of his latest album, When You Speak, he took time to share his love for travel and its profound influence on his music and life. Enjoy this interview with him.
How has travel impacted your view of the world?
I love to travel, especially with my family. Because of my music, we have been super-blessed to travel all over the world, experience different cultures and meet new people. It has opened our eyes and helped get us out of the personal bubbles we create back at home.

How has travel connected you with family and friends?
I love taking my parents, brother and sister and their families to different places. Experiencing a new place together creates a unique bond between us. We’ve also made a lot of friends around the world and it’s fun to stay connected over the years. Seeing them when we return is maybe the best part of traveling.
What’s one of your favorite travel destinations?
The Faroe Islands, north of Scotland. They’re beautiful islands out in the middle of nowhere. The people are amazing, and there are no natural predators, which is crazy.
What places are still on your travel bucket list?
Greece! I want to walk in the footsteps of Paul and some of his missionary journeys.

Are there certain seasons or times of year you most love to travel?
I love the fall as the season changes, especially with the vibrant leaves and cooler weather.
What does travel provide that you can’t get anywhere else?
Travel offers a sense of excitement. To this day, I love going into the unknown—especially overseas and to countries I haven’t been to before!
How has travel impacted your faith and worldview?
Being around different cultures helps you have a heart for the nations. To see how God is working everywhere around the world has always been beautiful to me.
Do you experience God uniquely in different places?
Absolutely! For me, I experience Him strongly when I’m outdoors. It doesn’t matter if I am in the Pacific Northwest or in the jungle in South America, I love being in nature and recognizing the beauty in all of it. To think God created every single thing I am looking at is absolutely mind-blowing to me.
How do touring and travel impact your connection to your audience?
I get to share, from the stage, testimonies from all around the world that we have seen, heard and been a part of. I feel like it helps audiences connect with each other and understand that you can be on the other side of the planet and still have similar experiences and life journeys. We’re all running the same race.

Do you and your team have any “we can’t believe that happened” moments from a trip you want to share?
When I led worship on a boat in the Sea of Galilee, I remember singing on the boat and thinking, “What is happening?” It was, by far, my favorite travel moment.
Your music changes lives. Is there an audience member’s story or interaction that stands out to you?
I remember someone sharing this story with me. A young girl was in the process of seriously harming herself and heard my song, “Take You Back” [from the album Restored]. She had nearly overdosed from pills and was in the middle of passing out, but felt she heard the Lord tell her “I will take you back.” She recommitted her life to Christ right there. I am absolutely humbled to hear that.
Have any of the places you’ve visited inspired a song?
By far, Israel was a place that inspired me to write songs.
What are your favorite places to be when writing or composing?
Honestly, I love writing at my house because I feel like there are no distractions except my family—which I welcome. They remind me of why I do what I do.
Where have some of your favorite conferences or concerts been?
Brazil! The people are so passionate and welcoming. To this day I have never heard anyone sing louder. In Denmark and Slovakia, we felt the same warmth. They had a hunger for the Lord that was contagious. Someday I hope to go back!