Cultivating a Pioneer Spirit

Inspiration Travel



Between the carpool, ballet, gymnastics, ball games, movies and drive-thru dinners, our family has one opportunity to gather together. It happens on Sunday mornings, when we worship God. But sometimes it just doesn’t feel like enough. That's why I can't wait for our upcoming week of vacation.

Since I’m the schedule keeper and wrangler of quality family time, this week is very important to me. I’m suggesting we try something totally different—an Alaskan cruise—yes, in the middle of the summer! I slide the brochure across the table one night at dinner and faces light up one by one. The family begins spouting ideas of what it will be like. I’m excited too, knowing a cruise will allow them adventure in the outdoors, but give me peace and quiet—a chance to rest and relax.

I point out the charming towns and bigger cities, like Juneau, where I hope to get some much needed retail therapy. Our boys talk with Dad about hiking to the top of Mount Roberts—maybe spotting a real bear—and taking a floatplane over the ice fields. I can just see my kids pressing their faces into the windows as we pass the enormous glaciers up close. I tell my daughter we’ll have a date sipping hot cocoa on a whale-watching trip. I can already imagine her oohing and ahhing as she sees a childhood favorite animal surface in real life—spurting, blowing and jumping across the surface of the icy waters. For us, an Alaskan cruise will give us much-needed family time and some adventure in God’s gorgeous creation.

But those aren't the only reasons I suggested Alaska. Or even a cruise. Cruising with other believers creates a community experience much deeper than a normal vacation. My walk with God needs some focus, and while my family is each experiencing God in little moments all along our journey, I’m looking forward to some alone time with Him. Knowing my kids and husband are out, enjoying themselves and having fun, leaves me feeling free to rest in the privacy of my cabin and pursue Him.

With my Bible and tea in hand, I can’t wait to just relax on the bed and feel myself slowing down as the ship cuts through the gentle waves of the ocean. I’ll reflect on the majesty of God in the middle of such awesome evidence of His handiwork. Solutions to stresses of life will begin to unfold, and I’ll feel a much-needed reprieve. I know that I’ll be able to pull from these few quiet, precious moments for months to come.

Deepening relationships with God and my family sometimes requires getting away from the pace and routine of daily life. These moments help me refocus, regroup, grow and refresh. Time away can be powerful, especially when it’s purposeful.

Returning home restored and renewed is my goal for this trip. With that in mind, my daily to-do list seems light and manageable, knowing that God is preparing a special time for me and my family as we enjoy the beauty of Alaska.