Industry Innovations for Healthy Travel
Hope is on the horizon for healthy travel. As Christian cruises and tours return, we are elated to share that the travel industry has continued to place the highest priority on passenger safety and comfort. Below are just a few of the innovations and steps being taken to ensure an exceptional and healthy travel experience.

In countries like Germany and Italy, cruising is already underway. In the last couple of months, several cruise lines resumed sailing in Europe with no reported health concerns. These sailings have helped US-based cruise lines adopt similar standards, enabling them to set sail as soon as December.
This year is not the first time cruise lines have navigated the tumultuous waters of managing an outbreak. In fact, they have a wealth of experience born out of decades of safely serving passengers, and most ships are required to have a medical station and expert medical staff aboard.
Proactive health precautions have been key to the success of cruise lines. Their unparalleled safety standards—like omnipresent hand sanitizing stations—set them apart from other industries. A few recent innovations coming to the cruise industry include: expanded options for outdoor dining, limited occupancy in public spaces and contactless procedures throughout the cruise experience.
Air travel has been, and remains, one of the safest forms of travel––even in the midst of a pandemic!
Flying is more than just safe mechanically. This is because of how planes clean the air in a cabin. Airflow systems minimize the forward flow of air by pushing it directly from the ceiling to the floor before it is sucked up by High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters. The filters recycle that air and clean it before dispersing it back into the cabin.
“There is no place indoors that it is anywhere close to [airlines] when it comes to limiting the spread [of COVID-19],” says United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby. And he’s right. HEPA filters recycle air approximately every 20–30 minutes––that’s three times quicker than the filters in your home or office.
Even with their technological advances, airlines are being proactive. Mask requirements, managed queuing, contactless processing, and limited face-to-face interactions are additional protocols airlines have already implemented to ensure traveler safety.
Israel Tours
Airplanes and cruises aren’t the only places where you’ll find up-to-date health and safety protocols. Our travel partner in Israel, Sar-El, has upgraded their motorcoaches to include state-of-the-art Aura Air filtration systems (similar to airlines).
We’re already encouraged to see travel returning to many of the places we visit frequently and love fondly. As we eagerly look forward to traveling in 2021, we are proud of the innovations and first-class care the travel industry has prioritized to keep travelers safe. Here at Inspiration, our staff is also doing a LOT behind the scenes to ensure a healthy and exceptional travel experience for every Inspiration traveler.
Whether you decide to get away with God by cruise ship, airplane or motorcoach, we’ve got you covered! Your travel possibilities are endless.
The only question left is: Where will you go next?